A Collection of Generative Presidents

Buy yourself
a President

Unique NFTs of major Presidents

Now selling: Emmanuel Macron, President of France.

More Presidents to come


The PixelPrezs project

PixelPrezs is an artistic project inspired by generative art processes used in NFTs. We apply these methods and algorithms in the field of politics, ideas and government, to highlight the combinatory nature of memes, ideologies, actions and discourses. Pixel art is also an illustration of the granular nature of votes, where every pixel helps to draw the final image of an elected President.    

The MetaPrez

The MetaPrez is a unique NFT created by assembling all the PixelPrezs of a President. There is only one Metaprez per President.

Every French citizen remembers the iconic historical image of François Mitterand’s election back in 1981. It is the only image symbolizing the election of a French President that remains in the collective memory. It’s also an early piece of pixel art and the proud product of a French technology: the Minitel.

Details and FAQ

PixelPrezs is a collection of generative pixel art NFTs 

Our first collection is dedicated to President Emmanuel Macron, President of France. More Presidents to come. Who will be next ? Joe Biden? Vladimir Poutine? Stay tuned. 

The NFTs of each President are generated by an algorithm. Each NFT bears a unique combination of traits.

The frequency of a trait among a President’s NFT is proportional to his politics. For example, depending on whether his or her program is more or less about security or the environment, he has more or less traits related to security or the environment. 

However, every President has at least once each of the existing traits, even if it is in complete opposition with his opinions. The corresponding NFTs are hence more rare.   

Some traits don’t have any political meaning. They only use traits commonly found in the PFP type NFT culture. 

The number of traits is split like this : Background 4 – Skin 6 – Head 30 – Face 8 – Mouth 11 – Eyes 17 – Ears 5 – Chest 21

Initial sale prices are indexed on the rarity level the NFT, on the basis of 0.01 ETH per rarity level. 0.01 ETH for level 1 NFTS to 0,05 ETH for level 5. 

PixelPrez is a project made by a team of passionate artists and tech guys (see our bios). Here is how the money from this project is used :

  • 40% for the creative work done by the artistic members of our team
  • 30% for the tech guys who have worked night and day to make this happen
  • 25% for the operating costs (servers, gas fees, taxes, marketing)
  • 5% to initiate the design of our next Presidents (V. Poutine, J. Biden and more)

The community of PixelPrez holders can be found on the various Discord channels of the PixelPrezs project.

You can join our Discord here.

French PixelPrezs is a project of the techno-artistic collective: d0min0

The collective is not related to any political party. The Project was carried out with a real concern for fairness.

The blockchain can revolutionize the way we support a candidate. Our project is a modest first step towards a new era of tokenized politics.

PixelPrezs is an artistic project based on on the right to caricature the Powerfuls. It also pastiches the codes, the culture and the graphic universe of NFT collectibles. It is intended to fuel reflection and public debate on the place that Web3 could take in politics.

Contact: d0min0@pixelprezs.xyz

We are a team of 5. We are 5 to have joined forces to imagine, create and develop the PixelPrezs project with a diversity of backgrounds and skills for this unique NFT project:

Jeremie L. a.k.a. Toaster

Web3 Developer & Fullstack Engineer

After 15+ years as a full-stack software engineer, I started diving into crypto in late 2020. About 6 months I started to aid the development of NFT based projects and gain experience on Solana with the Metaplex/Candy Machine ecosystem. I have proven expertise in consulting project to venture into NFT as well as personally developing robust and scalable minting experiences for drop of large volume and traffic. Some technical skills and languages I’ve learned throughout the years include Python, React, Node JS, and Angular.

Boris K. a.k.a. Potemkine

Conceptual artist

A graduate of the School of Fine Arts in Paris and the Media Lab, Potemkine creates, alone or in groups, artistic works in multiple forms (photography, installations, performances) and leads a reflection on the role of media and the social arts. Based in Toulon, he has shown his work in Guanzhou, Berlin, Cotonou, Beirut, Boston or Marseille. PixelPrezs is his first intervention in web3.


Juan S. a.k.a. SCro@2

Digital artist

After a career in design and then in video games, S.Cro@2 chose to pursue a career in artistic creation of digital art and in particular Pixel Art. He lives between Paris, Barcelona and Buenos Aires.


Anthony L. a.k.a. Groudz

Web3 Growth & Product Manager

A graduate of EM Lyon, Anthony worked for several Parisian startups for more than 8 years as Product Manager and Growth Hacker. Now based in Biarritz, Anthony is 100% dedicated to web3. PixelPrezs is his first NFT project but already his 3rd in the blockchain universe. 

Adrien P. a.k.a. Adrien 69

Data scientist & Fullstack engineer

After studying engineering (Centrale Nantes), I decided to immerse myself in AI, in particular applied to the recognition and manipulation of images. I am a news junky and was very much into NFTs for the last two years. Joining the collective was a no brainer for me. 

"Each vote is like a pixel
that draws the image of the President-Elect"
